Blacksmith fullers and other hardy tools for metal forming and necking. Explore our fuller tools for forging below.
**Since hardy holes are traditionally not exact some fine tuning of the tool maybe required**
What are tong fullers? There is a fairly good description from Wikipedia below:
In metalworking, a fuller is a tool used to form metal when hot. The fuller has a rounded, either cylindrical or parabolic, nose, and may either have a handle (an "top fuller") or a shank (a "bottom fuller"). The shank of the lower fuller allows the fuller to be inserted into the hardy hole of the anvil.
The fuller is a forging tool, used to spread the metal. The fuller is placed against the metal stock, and then either the top fulleror the stock is struck with a hammer. The rounded nose of the fuller spreads the metal more efficiently than the flat face of the hammer. "Fullering," more generally, refers to any forging process creating a sharp transition in cross-dimensional area; with care, some types of fullering can be achieved using only hammer and the edge of the anvil (which acts as the fuller).